The AS2SCompiler is an acronym for Another Source-to-Source Compiler.
Currently, it is possible to convert Java programs into C programs and vice-versa*. The compiler is designed to be easily extended. Then, you can add support to other Imperative (Object-Oriented and Procedural) programming languages by providing Translation Schemes for them.
AS2SCompiler is part of a research project named “A Source-to-Source Compilation Strategy by Language-Neutral Source Code Representation” carried out at Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP) and Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in Brazil.
The complete description of the compilation strategy followed to build AS2SCompiler can be found (in Portuguese) here.
Empirical Validation
An experimental study was carried out to validate the proposed strategy empirically.
The experiment package is publicly available here, and the test environment of the compiler is accessible here. Besides, all tested programs in C and Java can be found here.
To run AS2SCompiler, you need to install a JRE/JDK (it was tested mainly through OpenJDK 8).
After that, download the latest executable here and use that command on a terminal:
$ java -jar AS2SCompiler.jar [PARAMS]
You have to give, in the same order, those parameters:
- Input Language: the name (lowercase) of source code language (e.g., java).
- Output Language: the name (lowercase) of object code language (e.g., c).
- Input Directory: the path to the folder containing the source code.
- Output Directory: the path to the folder where object code will be placed.
- Translation Scheme: the path to the Translation Scheme** of the indicated input language.
Translation Process
Read the strategy documentation to understand all the phases and processes.
In short, two mechanisms are working together: Analyzer and Translator.
The Analyzer mechanism aims to analyze the Source Code and by executing a Specific Parser (a syntax analyzer, e.g., a Java parser) and exporting an equivalent CST (Concrete Syntax Tree) in XML.
The Translator mechanism aims to translate the generated CST into the Target Program. Two main processes have to be executed: Generalization and Conversion.
The Generalization process receives a CST in XML and a Translation Scheme (a set of mapping rules from CST elements to equivalent eCST elements) to build a language-neutral intermediate representation (IR). In this case, the adopted IR is an eCST (enriched Concrete Syntax Tree) that can represent code written in multiple languages (e.g., Java, C, C#, Python, and more).
The Conversion process receives the generated eCST in XML and writes an equivalent version in a real high-level programming language (indicated by the user). The Languages’ Specific Features (a set of translation rules from an eCST to code) has to be provided.
The described strategy diagram:
Translation Example
As a simple example, see the Java code below. There is a method named find that does a Binary Search on an int array and returns the index of the searchkey in the array.
// file Name:
public class OrdArray {
public int find(int searchKey, int[] a, int nElems) {
int lowerBound = 0;
int upperBound = nElems - 1;
int curIn;
while (true) {
curIn = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
if (a[curIn] == searchKey) {
return curIn;
} else {
if (lowerBound > upperBound) {
return nElems;
} else {
if (a[curIn] < searchKey) {
lowerBound = curIn + 1;
} else {
upperBound = curIn - 1;
After running the AS2SCompiler to translate the file into an equivalent C program, the C code bellow would be generated.
// file Name: OrdArray.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct OrdArray
int (*find)(
int searchKey,
int a[],
int nElems,
struct OrdArray *_this);
int find(int, int[], int, struct OrdArray *);
struct OrdArray *OrdArray()
struct OrdArray *_this = malloc(sizeof(struct OrdArray));
_this->find = find;
return _this;
int find(int searchKey, int a[], int nElems, struct OrdArray *_this)
int lowerBound = 0;
int upperBound = (nElems - 1);
int curIn;
while (1)
curIn = ((lowerBound + upperBound) / 2);
if ((a[curIn] == searchKey))
return curIn;
if ((lowerBound > upperBound))
return nElems;
if ((a[curIn] < searchKey))
lowerBound = (curIn + 1);
upperBound = (curIn - 1);
*Disclaimer: It is not possible to translate the entire language so far, AS2SCompiler currently covers only a limited set of aspects.
**Translation Schemes for Java and C can be found in the runtime/Tmaps folder that is downloaded with the AS2SCompiler release.